North Carolina

Common Sense America with Eden Hill & #NRB Convention Authors for 2023. The anchor of our country is the family. Laine Lawson Craft talks about her new book, "The Parent's Battle Plan." Laine Lawson Craft Our mental health diets with mental health expert, author, and podcaster,...

Common Sense America with Eden Hill & American Humane, Pups 4 Patriots. Songs of the Season presents… Amy Hrin, Ph.D., joined Common Sense America to speak about the America Humane 'Pups 4 Patriots' program for veterans with PTSD and TBI. The focus of the program is life-changing and life-giving to the veteran, their...

Common Sense America with Eden Hill & Gabriella Hoffman. The Biden Labor regs on Freelancers; Commercial Fishing, #NorthCarolina.

Today on #CommonSenseAmerica, your #KitchenTable topics include "mailbox fishing" this Christmas rush, Harry and Meg's "woe is me" on Netflix, from New York to Florida, the mass exit for #Freedom; the 64.6 Million #Freelancers and the new regs from Biden's Dept. of...

Common Sense America with Eden Hill & Season of Giving Back — Featured Faith Organizations from New York to North Carolina.

Common Sense America with Eden Hill speaks to the Season of Giving Back. The Bowery Mission, 150 years of service to the New York City Homeless. James Macklin graduated in 1987 from the Bowery Mission and served 30 years as the spokesperson. James' testimony reminds...

The (Dis)Respect for Marriage Act with Dr. Mark Harris, Family Research Council on Common Sense America, for Friday, November 18, 2022 Marriage Protection Act and Sen. Tillis (R-NC) support the bill. There is a wide concern for Traditional Marriage and the state of North Carolina. Dr. Mark Harris with Family Research Council joins Common Sense America on...

A ‘Faith’ Entrepreneur leads the Onslow County, North Carolina area with a mission of sweet food, mentoring, and giving back.

Common Sense America with Eden Hill & special Thanksgiving Feature, Breon Williams, who is also Outstanding Young Entrepreneur of the Year. The power of Breon's story, his journey, faith, and mission to the Onslow County, North Carolina, and the community is...

Dr. Matthew Harrison, Abortion Pill Reversal. Saving babies’ lives on Common Sense America with Eden Hill for Tuesday, November 15, 2022. Common Sense America with Eden Hill is pleased to welcome a special guest for Tuesday, November 15, 2022, Dr. Matthew P. Harrison, to speak about the abortion pill reversal. Saving the babies. Dr. Harrison is a family...

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