Eden Gordon Hill is Advancing American Leadership and Values Across the Nation – Announces 2024 Speakers List

Eden Gordon Hill is Advancing American Leadership and Values Across the Nation – Announces 2024 Speakers List

Eden Gordon Hill is a pro-America advocate, making her mark in the national news media and the speaking industry. With her expertise, passion for service, and exceptional communication skills honed on Capitol Hill and through her tenure as a political appointee in the...

Common Sense America with Eden Hill & Season of Giving Back — Featured Faith Organizations from New York to North Carolina.

Common Sense America with Eden Hill speaks to the Season of Giving Back. The Bowery Mission, 150 years of service to the New York City Homeless. James Macklin graduated in 1987 from the Bowery Mission and served 30 years as the spokesperson. James' testimony reminds...

Common Sense America with Eden Hill — The Salvation Army helping the poor? Will Congress restore the integrity of the dollar.

Today, Monday, November 28, 2022, is on Common Sense America with Eden Hill. Joined by Kenny Xu, President of Color Us United, and his latest article in Real Clear Markets. In his latest article in Real Clear Markets, he speaks about the future of The Salvation Army....

A ‘Faith’ Entrepreneur leads the Onslow County, North Carolina area with a mission of sweet food, mentoring, and giving back.

Common Sense America with Eden Hill & special Thanksgiving Feature, Breon Williams, who is also Outstanding Young Entrepreneur of the Year. The power of Breon's story, his journey, faith, and mission to the Onslow County, North Carolina, and the community is...

The Bowery Mission Thanksgiving joins Common Sense America on Monday, November 14, 2022. Celebrating 150 years of service to New York City. Monday, November 14, 2022, Common Sense America welcomes James Winans, President of the Bowery Mission, New York City. Celebrating 150 years of service to New York City. November is National Homelessness Month. The Bowery...

Monday, October 3, 2022 – Common Sense America with Eden Hill and “Walk in Faith” Show producer Craig Syracusa; New York Tenor, Chris Macchio and the Emmaus Center, Brooklyn.

Monday, October 3, 2022 – Common Sense America with Eden Hill and “Walk in Faith” Show producer Craig Syracusa; New York Tenor, Chris Macchio and the Emmaus Center, Brooklyn. Today, on #CommonSenseAmerica with Eden Hill. Lifting the good, the true, and the beautiful. Check out today's interview on faith, arts, music, and conversations on #talk#radio#CommonSenseAmerica with my friend and...

Welcome to my Public Relations Boutique, Eden Gordon Media, LLC. I want to tell your story!

Welcome to my Public Relations Boutique, Eden Gordon Media, LLC. I want to tell your story! Eden Gordon Media, LLC is a public relations boutique that serves award-winning book authors, small businesses, Congressional Candidates, military spouses, veterans and veteran service organizations, and former Vice...

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