
Common Sense America with Eden Hill. Kitchen Table topics focus on a weary taxpayer, the Obiden schemes, and Meg’s “Woe is me” campaign.

https://youtu.be/AlINPAL3U9w Common Sense America speaks with Charles Brandt, a Young Voices contributor, speaking to his most recent article in The Federalist featuring a "weary taxpayer and the Biden student loan schemes".. Cited in the article..."In this country,”...

Common Sense America with Eden Hill — The Salvation Army helping the poor? Will Congress restore the integrity of the dollar.

Today, Monday, November 28, 2022, is on Common Sense America with Eden Hill. Joined by Kenny Xu, President of Color Us United, and his latest article in Real Clear Markets. In his latest article in Real Clear Markets, he speaks about the future of The Salvation Army....

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