Pro Life

Dr. Matthew Harrison, Abortion Pill Reversal. Saving babies’ lives on Common Sense America with Eden Hill for Tuesday, November 15, 2022. Common Sense America with Eden Hill is pleased to welcome a special guest for Tuesday, November 15, 2022, Dr. Matthew P. Harrison, to speak about the abortion pill reversal. Saving the babies. Dr. Harrison is a family...

North Carolina Right to Life joins Common Sense America for Thursday, November 10, 2022. To date, the 'Empty Suit' in Raleigh has made the state of North Carolina a destination state for abortion. The North Carolina Right to Life President William Pincus joined Common Sense America with Eden Hill to discuss the...

#DixonHernandez joins Common Sense America – Trump Endorsed Candidate for Lt. Governor of Michigan, Shane Hernandez speaks life, leadership, and vision for Michigan. #CommonSenseAmerica audience and supporters… we have a #NEW guest joining this morning …. #DixonHernandez Endorsed by Trump and Candidate for LT. Gov. #michigan, Shane Hernandez. Follow Shane Hernandez on Twitter:...

Monday, October 24, 2022 — Common Sense America with Eden Hill and Meet the Candidate Series, Michael J. Stading, NC Court of Appeals; NC Faith and Freedom. Good Morning, Eastern North Carolina. On weekdays at 9 AM ET, Common Sense America with Eden Hill & North Carolina Faith and Freedom Coalition Director, Jason Williams. For the Candidate Series Features, today is...

Common Sense America with Eden Hill is honored to have SBA Pro-Life America, Vice President of Communications, Mallory Carroll join the show!

Common Sense America with Eden Hill is honored to have SBA Pro-Life America, Vice President of Communications, Mallory Carroll join the show!

Weekdays at 9 AM ET Streaming on Talk Radio Defenders LIVE or Watch the show on Facebook Live, Twitter, or LinkedIn. #commonsenseamerica #defenderslive #SBAlist#prolife #NorthCarolina #vote #womeninleadership Thank you to...

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