Tuesday, September 13, 2022 — Common Sense America with Eden Hill — Special Guest Elizabeth Prann, HLN Anchor; Project 21 Donna Jackson

by | Sep 13, 2022

1) Donna Jackson, Project 21, We Should Honor a Conservative on the $20 Bill. Her Name Is Harriet Tubman. Leadership and Faith.

Women in Leadership, the church, the family unit, and our nation are all under attack for greater control. We need to focus on our Freedom in Christ,  we have a higher power to fight back. God is not oppressive; the government is. The churches need to be at the forefront of this fight for our freedoms and our faith. 

2) Elizabeth Prann, Anchor, HLNTV — Twitter Profile Journalist (well, depending on who you ask) *Sleep deprived momx3 *Disheveled baseball wife *Past life:

Liz Prann talked about the importance of women in the workplace, the powerful leaders, being a mother of 3 young children, juggling a career in journalism, and home life balance. Focusing on the career changes with the constant moves of life. Having faith in the journey, knowing we are not in control. Giving grace in the journey from an early career to climbing the ladder of success. 

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