Event Date: Thursday, November 18
Time: 7 PM ET/4 PM PT
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About the Authors: Lynda Rozell, Journeys with a Tin Can Pilgrim https://tincanpilgrim.com/Lynda Marie RozellTin Can Pilgrim Lynda Rozell embarks on her marvelous adventure as a full-time nomad, living in an Airstream travel trailer.
She started a travel blog in 2019, www.tincanpilgrim.com. This book chronicles her transformation from her previous life to that of a Tin Can Pilgrim, including her ongoing growth in her faith and in the practical skills needed to live in and tow her Airstream trailer.
Jeff Gottesfeld, The Christmas Mitzvah https://www.jeffgottesfeldwriter.com/
Jeff Gottesfeld is an acclaimed writer whose work has won awards from the American Library Association, the Writers Guild of America, and the National Council for the Social Studies. His The Tree in the Courtyard: Looking Through Anne Frank’s Window was a 2016 New York Times Best Illustrated Book for Children. He has previously written for adult, teen, middle-grade, and picture book audiences. Jeff Gottesfeld is based in Los Angeles.