#commonsenseamerica Common Sense America with Eden Hill is so proud to welcome Katherine Haley. A dear friend, a woman in leadership, a fearless woman of faith, education leadership, healthy communities, and advocacy with more than 20 years of experience in public policy and philanthropy.
#Expanded#education opportunity, built #coalitions to advance #federal policies that improve #schoolchoice and #workforce readiness, and mobilized resources to strengthen civil society.
Katherine Haley spent 13 years working for members of the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. #Senate to advance policies that lead to #human flourishing. She served for seven years as the chief policy advisor on #education, workforce, antipoverty, #global health, and other social issues to former Speaker of the House John Boehner.
In March 2022, Governor Doug Ducey appointed Katherine to a 3-year term on the #Arizona State #BoardofEducation.